sense of the whole

We at Saphenus Medical Technology are very sensual, in the truest sense of the word. Because our medical products are aimed precisely at strengthening the senses and strengthening the body as a major regenerative force. There is a long tradition of sensory research in medicine, which has produced outstanding evidence in recent decades. Last but not least, the two sensory researcher Ardem Patapoutian and David Julius were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2021. And we see every day how we can help amputees to regain more feeling with their prosthesis, using the #senseoftouch and at the same time reduce possible phantom pain by providing peripheral sensitivity non invasively to the body and to the brain. 

Accordingly, we at Saphenus Medical Technology have a keen #senseoftouch and love it when sensual, sensory work is done in other disciplines. This time we were inspired by Ben Pentreath Ben Pentreath Ltd, the English star architect and furniture designer. In his newest book called the #EnglishVision, he shows two decades of his incredibly impressive architectural work, but we were at least as impressed by the diction and content structure of the book.

He uses the concept of #senses to begin the chapters of his book.

The #senseofhappiness, #senseofcolour, #senseofimperfection and #senseofwhole for example. Sensory concepts that we, who build medical devices for people who have lost their limbs, also strongly identify with.

The #senseofhappiness means for us using the #senseoftouch that makes people pain-free from the agony of phantom pain. 

The #senseofcolour, when our medical products in the striking melon yellow, created by industrial designer Andreas Mühlenberend from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, are supposed to give a pleasant feeling of well-being of the upcoming sense of touch. 

Yes, and also a #senseofimperfection, of course there is a

#senseofimperfection! In every start-up there is. When unnecessary extra rounds are done in retrospect, on the way to approval for medical products, for example. 

The “circle of senses” is complete with the #senseofthewhole, the sense of improving prosthetic care worldwide, giving more people the opportunity to stand on their own two feet again and giving them back their quality of life. Thank you, Ben Pentreath, for this #senseofinspiration.

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